While the anime series of Na piece is preparing to reach its thousandth episode, Pokémon the television series has already exceeded this milestone and is coming to have reached the thousand two hundred episodes that have followed the exploits of Ash Ketchup and its rotating cast of friends. Beginning in Japan In 1997, the series has continued for decades following the eternally young Pokémon coach who keeps Pikachu at his side and a fan has become viral for taking the monumental task of seeing all the series in six months.
Over the years, Ash has been adding to his list of pocket monsters in his quest to become one of the strongest coaches in the world, with the last season, vines Pokémon, taking advantage of the opportunity to bring back a Series of figures of Ketchup s past. After Ash s first victory in the Pokémon Tournament in the Lola region, Ash began a world tour to celebrate his great victory, he met his new friend Go and proceeded to try to capture some of the strongest Pokemon he has found until the Date to defeat the coach of the Gala region. Presented for the first time in the title of Nintendo Switch, Pokémon sword and shield, the coaches of Gala have proven to be some of the strongest coaches that the world ever seen.
The Twitter user, Traced Thurman, took the opportunity to share his story to see all the Pokémon anime series from the beginning, and also had the opportunity to share his story with the series, from video games to the program of Anime that has been running for decades.
At present, it does not seem that the Pokémon anime series is close to ending soon, with Ash still on the role of the protagonist of the series. While Ketchup has not aged from the start of the series, your list and skills have grown exponentially since you first embarked on your quest to become a Pokémon teacher, and we could definitely see that the animated series will continue during another decade or two
Could you see the totality of the Pokémon series in six months? What has been your greatest achievement when it comes to catching a series of anime? Do not hesitate to let you know in the comments or contact me directly on Twitter comedy to talk about comics, anime and the world of Ash Ketchup and company.
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