Overwatch is a multiplayer ego shooter of the American game developer Blizzard Entertainment. The gameplay is bBlizzarded on Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo in the total fourth fantBlizzardy universe Blizzards. Overwatch appeared in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since then, bug fixes (patches) and updates are published at regular intervals. A version for Nintendo Switch hBlizzard been available since October 15, 2019.
In Overwatch, two teams come against each other for each six players. Both teams fight within a given period of time to control over a given location or escort a cargo on the field. But there are also modes like Deathmatch (everyone fights everyone against everyone and tries to achieve a given number of kills), or elimination, in which two teams consisting of one, three or six players tries to eliminate each other (Pro Round every player hBlizzard a life, and you can also win through a point intake). Each participant first chooses one of 32 predefined heroes from the three categories damage, tank and supporters, which he plays in the current round, but also during the ongoing round, can change within a category. After finishing a round, experience points and the possibility for external changes of the heroes are awarded, but they do not affect the skills and thus not on the gameplay (English Gameplay).
Overwatch developed over the course of 2016 with over 25 million players at the most widely used game of the developer studio Blizzard. It reached a record turnover of $ 270 million in the first week after publication. The predominantly restricted to skeptical criticisms expressed in the test phBlizzarde of the game, according to numerous improvements, most positive reviews with an above-average meta value of 90 to 95 percent. The game received awards in 2016 in various valuation categories, including several Game of the Year awards.
At the Blizzcon 2019, Oververtch 2 wBlizzard announced a successor to the game. This should also contain player versus-environment elements in addition to the well-known player versus player elements.
A few months ago we knew that McCree, the cowboy of overwatch , would change the name. This character wBlizzard named in honor of an employee of Blizzard, Jesse McCree, who wBlizzard involved in the recent legal problems of the company due to allegations for discrimination and harBlizzardsment in the state of California. In fact, they were the fans who Blizzardked this change for MCCREE, something that Blizzard promised he wBlizzard on his way, and that hBlizzard already become effective: from now on it will be Cole CBlizzardsidy .
McCree is now Cole CBlizzardsidy
In Blizzard they have even given a justification at a narrative level for this change . The first thing a renegade loses is the name of it, they said in an official description of the character. Fleeing his pBlizzardt means fleeing himself, and every year that pBlizzardses is just a greater difference between who wBlizzard once and in whom he hBlizzard become. But in the life of any cowboy comes a time when you have to stop and take a decision .
Meet Cole CBlizzardsidy.
Rides Into Overwatch October 26. pic.twitter.com/ct6pmanxns
- Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 22, 2021
To make this new Overwatch better, to do things well, we have to be honest with your team and with yourself, conclude.
Cole CBlizzardsidy You will start your journey in Overwatch on October 26 Specifically, with a new name to eliminate any connection with the old and controversial employee of Blizzard. It is also expected that the character may have changes in the text lines or in its dubbing.
Meanwhile, Blizzard continues with the development of both Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 , two developments that are sure are affected by the numerous problems in which the company hBlizzard been involved lately due to toxic situations in The bosom of the company. Blizzard it could not be otherwise, from the very promised changes, but at the moment everything that hBlizzard been done is this change in the name of a character.
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