Multiplayer Shooter such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive are popular with many players, as all players have the same conditions and usually decide their own skills about victory or defeat. Unfortunately, these premises are often spoiled by players, which gave themselves an unfair advantage through cheats.
Of course, developers of such titles work hard to do something against the high number of chatters. Raven software, for example, recently blocked more than 50,000 accounts from Call of Duty: Warzone and work behind the scenes at a new anti-cheat measure.
For the new Battlefield 2042 (Buy Now 56.99 €), DICE should now use Easy Anticheat in your fight against Cheaters. This explained to the well-known "insider" Tom Henderson on Twitter. According to him, the Technical Play Test to Battlefield 2042 has a visible anti cheat. One day later, Henderson then confirmed that this is Easy Anticheat.
Easy Anticheat is definitely one of the more famous programs when it comes to fighting cheaters. Of course, the program is not perfect and many games that use Easy Anticheat must remove from time to time with cheaters. However, it is definitely better than do not have an anti-cheat measure.
Neither EA nor DICE have so far confirmed that Easy Anticheat is used for your new title. We will probably learn this at the latest on 22 October 2021 if the title is officially published for PlayStation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, and PC.
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From Daniel Link author 13.08.2021 at 17:20
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