After the players always complained about technical problems over the past few weeks, which could make a stroke through the bill for the game fun, the free playable Battle-Royal shooter Apex Legends was recently considered with equal updates.
While the responsible developers of Respawn Entertainment assumed that the updates will remedy and create the issues raised from the world, the community reports that it continues to be a different nature in Apex Legends . For example, starting with a three-team team may happen that a member of the team is thrown out of the game without any reasonable reason.
Players report lays, slow-downs and other problems
This in turn causes the legend of the affected player to remain motionless on the battlefield and is killed immediately. Especially in the ranking game, this error ensures displeasure. Other mistakes about which the players complain include disturbing sites, regular slow-downs, not counted hits or problems with the soundscape that lead to the steps of the opponents are not heard.
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For additional frustration, according to the Apex Legends community, the fact ensures that Respawn Entertainment s Responsible have decided to mute the reports relating to the technical problems on Twitter.
Therefore, it continues to be in the stars, whether and when the said mistakes are resolved.
Source: Gamefront
Further news about Apex Legends.
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